Raspeberry Pi with OSMC( + SSH + Samba + Transmissio + Sickrage + CouchPotato)
-Add custom shares in smb-shares.conf instead of editing smb.conf so they will not be overwritten by samba updates. You can only add new shares to smb-shares.conf, not change the default shares or global options. If you need full control see smb-local.conf above.
sudo cp smb-shares.conf /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf
“rpc-whitelist”: “192.168.. “, If you want it to be more secure. However, if you want to be able to access transmission outside your local network then it should be ...
May as well disable the whitelist if you are allowing all IPs “rpc-whitelist-enabled”: false,
Change the remote access username and password to your liking “rpc-password”: “password”, “rpc-username”: “username”,
# Stop service
sudo systemctl stop transmission
# Change settings from command-line, for example, to configure the downloads directory or port:
# Start service
$ sudo systemctl start transmission
Copy file install-couchpotato-sickrage.sh
to osmc home folder and run command:
sudo sh install-couchpotato-sickrage.sh
Base on https://discourse.osmc.tv/t/how-to-install-couchpotato-and-sickrage-on-raspberry-pi/10788
sudo cp sickrage-app-osmc /etc/osmc/apps.d/sickrage-app-osmc
sudo cp couchpotato-app-osmc /etc/osmc/apps.d/couchpotato-app-osmc
https://discourse.osmc.tv/t/howto-retropie-and-osmc-retrosmc-retrogaming-on-osmc/6671 https://discourse.osmc.tv/t/howto-installing-retropie-alongside-osmc-rc-the-easy-way/1921